About me

Short Bio: Kevin Lyles has taught Black American Legal History for thirty-plus years along with Con Law: Women, Gender, and Privacy, and the other traditional constitutional law classes at The University of Illinois at Chicago.  He has been awarded several of the university’s highest excellence in teaching awards.

Bio: Kevin L. Lyles, Ph.D., is Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Political Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago (2007-present). He served as Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Political Science from 2010 to 2016.  Dr. Lyles has also served as Associate Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Black Studies Department at the University of Illinois—Chicago. Dr. Lyles received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis (1991).  Lyles also holds an MA in Political Science from EIU (’87) and a BA in Political Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (’83).  He also served as an Illinois Legislative Staff Intern with the Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR), 1984-1985.  Dr. Lyles joined the UIC faculty in 1991 but then departed to complete his postdoctoral training as the Stanford University Fellow in Law and Politics (1991-1992) and visiting assistant professor in the Stanford Department of Political Science.  Returning to UIC in 1992, Dr. Lyles joined the tenure-track faculty holding joint appointments as an assistant professor in the Black Studies Department and the Department of Political Science.  In 1993, Lyles moved to a single tenure-track appointment in the Department of Political Science until his promotion and tenure in 1998 in Political Science.  From 1998-2006 Lyles held joint appointments as tenured associate professor of Black Studies and Political Science.  Lyles has longstanding teaching and research interests in Constitutional Law, Judicial Process, African-American Legal History, and Gender and Law.  Lyles is a two-time winner of the UIC Silver Circle Award for Teaching Excellence; he has also been awarded the UIC Flame Award for Teaching Excellence; the American Political Science Association’s Pi Sigma Alpha Award for Excellence in Teaching; and, the UIC Teaching Recognition Program (TRP) Peer Award.  He is the author of The Gatekeepers: Federal District Courts in the Political Process; and a co-author of Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries.  He has published in Presidential Studies Quarterly and in African-American Perspectives in Political Science.  He is currently completing a book-length project for Routledge Press tentatively titled: Law and Politics in Black America.

What students say about my classes, 1990 to present

My Teaching Philosophy

Syllabus: Political Science 303 and 305 with Lyles

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 353: The Federal System  [Fall 2024]

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 353: The Federal System [summer 2024]

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 354: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights  [Fall 2024]

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 356: Women, Gender, and Privacy

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 358: African-American Legal History

Syllabus: Constitutional Law 359: Voting Rights and Election Law

Syllabus: Political Science 451  Law and Public Policy

Syllabus: Political Science 564  Graduate Seminar in Judicial Process

Kevin Lyles. The Gatekeepers: Federal District Courts in the Political Process

Kevin Lyles, Lucius Barker, et. al. Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries, 9th edition (2011)

“LYLES RULES” for Letters of Recommendation and References

Kevin L. Lyles, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science M/C 276
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1147 Behavioral Sciences Building
1007 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7137
(312) 996-3105