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Monthly Archives: November 2013


Summarizing some of what I have read and experienced, it seems that I am quickly becoming a dinosaur under the corporatization of higher education. In 1969, “78 percent of…college…instructional staff was comprised of tenured or tenure-track professors, with adjunct faculty making up the rest.” “By 2009, the figures had nearly flipped, with a third of faculty tenured or on the tenure track and two-thirds ineligible for tenure.” Today, adjunct/part-time instructors “make up a whopping 75 percent of ALL college instructors, with their average pay between $20,000 and $25,000 annually.” Many do not have health insurance. “They work for low pay and under conditions that hinder their efforts to help students.” Half of the courses in my own department are taught by talented and dedicated adjunct and/or part-time instructors. As tenured faculty we cannot leave our colleagues out in the cold. After all, they do most of the real work. They deserve more job security and a decent wage. I enjoy my tenure, I love to teach, I’m still inspired to do research, but I did not sign up to work in a sweat shop. Fuck this!